
Showing posts from December, 2022

Secretary of State Elaine F. Marshall and Director of Notary Enforcement Division Ozie Stallworth Fireside Chat for December 2022

  In August the Secretary of State Elaine F. Marshall and Ozie Stallworth, the Director of the Notary Enforcement and Electronic Notary Division, decided to take their "Fireside Chats" on the road and off YouTube to give notaries in the near by areas to meet and chat with them. December 5, 2022 made number 3. We were able to receive insight from our NC Notary Liaison of the NCNA and Certified Commissioned NC Notary Public Instructor of Fayetteville Tech, Mike Brown that was part of the audience. This is what he shared with the organization afterwards... " Our retiring President Dr. J. Larry Keen and our incoming President Dr.   Mark   Sorrells were on hand to great the team, and Dr. Keen and Secretary Marshall it turns our are old friends and have worked together to include in Moldova, with Dr. & Mrs. Keen accompanying Secretary Marshall on one of her trips to Moldova. Also in attendance with the Honorable Anita H. Lane, Register of Deeds for Sampson County in attend...