What is the Hype About EVN, IPEN, & RON?

Understanding Our POWERS as a Notary Public ARE VERY IMPORTANT! Know what these terms are: eNotary, IPEN, EVN, and RON. eNotary/IPEN: An electronic notary for North Carolina is an In Person Electronic Notary that is commissioned to assist a principal signer(s) with having documents electronically notarized on an electronic device such as a desktop computer, iPad, tablet, and or laptop. A preapproved software platform will be used during this transaction. The principal signer(s) MUST appear in front of the notary. Everything applies in this interaction as if you were going to physically stamp your notary seal onto a document for a principal signer(s). The one difference is that all documents will be executed electronically and not on actual paper. Register for the class today at your local or nearest community college or university: https://www.nccommunitycolleges.edu/about-us/main-campuses EVN: An Emergency Video Notarization requires a notary to video conference a principal signer in...